it snows in Durango, Mexico!!!!! .....there are so many gnats (mayotes) that it literally looks like snow....and just walking in the street turns me into a semi-truck because we get to a lesson and my shirt and skirt are covered in dead gnats that the front of a semi.....hahahahaha sad truth. but funny.
we are getting random rain storms and i think that is the cause for so many mayotes (mosquitoes and gnats). but the rain storms here are a mixture of water and dirt. its fun..
Manuel and Monica. two different investigators, similar life stories and the same baptism date :)
Manuel is a single dad that has overcome his drug and drinking addiction and is going 2 months strong right now :) his two sons are members and he is excited to follow their examples and be baptized the 25th of July. he says thats he's trying to clean his personal temple so he can be pure enough to enter the temple real one, one day :)
Monica was an investigator for 3 years!!! she is also a single mom. she came back to the church on her own because she has been fighting and conquering the same addictions and now is more prepared to be baptized!! she was scared to set a date and was doubting herself. we helped her see her own faith , strength, and testimony and the Spirit spoke to her and answered her prayer. we invited her to be baptized 25 July (after her saying that she will probably be ready in august or when "the next missionaries" are here) so she was a bit unsure but we invited her to PRAY about it. she prayed and literally felt like God touched her. she knows that she SHOULD be baptized on this day. she told us that she feels like she has already been given so many answers and that now is her time. so she accepted :) she also paid her tithing yesterday :) powerful convert.
love you all!! other experiences but not enough time.
¡Maria Concepcion got baptized!!! finally hahaha she was in my last area and when i left she had accepted a baptismal date :)
jungle backyard of a member..i LOVE their garden :)
she likes ants on a log :)
Monica is on the left and preparing to be baptized the 25th!!! she literally reminds me of our cousin stephanie and lindsey :)))) sooooo cute and smart!!!!!
making arroz (rice). :)))
the Jauredgi Family!!! sis. Jauredgi had fun making poses for the pictures haha and the after product :) mmmmm. (this was saturday comida (lunch) with members).
fayuca!!! market contacting with the ward :)) successful :) helping the young women learn how to contact people.