HOLA. HI. How are you?
So Ive gained respect for the "awkward" returned missionaries that everyone makes fun of. It just happens. And its marvellos. I think it just means that they did their mission right! I totally see myself coming home speaking Spanglish and talking about my mission. I mess up and forget English words even now. Like in my emails..sorry.
I have muchos familias I am blessed to know and help and teach and be taught by. Every one with a unique life situation an story.
"Highlights" I guess you could say from this week (although everything is a hightlight, these are just the ones ive remebered in this moment).....
The ward really loves us and we love them. We are fed HUGE lunches every day and have gotten them involved in the work! Just this week we had 10 of our lessons with miembros :) Every first Sunday of the month we teach the third of of church to the whole ward (youth and adults). Yesterday was a way different experience than the last time. I just opened my mouth and the Spirit spoke. It was pretty amazing. Many people complemented me on how much Ive learned. (we talked about testimonies and charity and how thats really what you need when sharing the Gospel)
I really have improved and understand a lot and can express myself better! Even people we contact and just talk to on the street ask how long Ive been here and complement me on how well Im doing for (almost) two months...
wow. almost two months here..it seems like two days. I DON'T EVER WANT TO LEAVE. haha ok.
We had a baptism on Saturday!! Familia Torres Santiago They had been taught my missionaries before us but we helped them through A LOT. and i love them so dearly :) It is amazing to see how much the Gospel has helped them through their struggles :)
A Familia we teach (Familia Marin de Lara) came to church! The wife really wants to change some of her ways in life and has just had a heart prepared to listening and applying the Gospel :) The Sacrement testimony meeting was PERFECT for them. I hope im here longer to help them continue on this righteous path :)
We met and taught a woman on a bench outside of her house. She said that God sent us to her because she is gong through a lot in her life right now. The lesson was powerful and led by the Spirit. It is something else to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord. I am so blessed.
Thats all I can think of now. I've had computer technical difficulties haha Mexico.
Hope you are all loving life and living it. Through the light of Christ of course. ;) but really. we have our lives because of Him..what better way to show gratitude than to live as He would. Think about that every day!!!!
Hermana Johnson
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