well from the last week and last area there are two things i wanted to share and forgot to..
last week in Jardines, we were focusing on talking to everybody and
contacted a cute young couple that we planned on visiting in the week.
we passed by their house for the appointment and an older woman answered
the door. i recognized her face and realized that it was another
contact that we had made in the week and just so happend to be the mom
of the husband we contacted. we taught almost everyone from their family
and the mom told us she knows its a sign from the Lord because we found
them all in different occasiones and different places. they all
accpeted to be baptized in the first lesson we gave (i hope everything
is going good for them).
the other story is about Luz Maria.
not sure if you remeber the foto i sent of us with her. well there was
about one week that we kept calling and passing by and couldnt find her.
we finally contacted her one day and she told us that she went in for a
check up at the hospital and they found that she has cancer. <it was
a pretty strong thing to hear from someone we care about so much. she
is SO strong in her faith and kept saying how she trust in Gods will,
and just worries for her kids. She questioned why God would let this
happend to them when she is trying to get closer to Him! through the
example of Christ in the garden of Getsemene and explaining the
Atonement we helped her find peace and hope. I know that God wasnt
punishing her for getting closer to Him. Oppocision will always come,
and these are things that we all agreed to before this life! I know that
God was blessing her and helping her as He sent us to her in this
moment very hard moment of her life. I could not have felt more greatful
to the Lord for the opportunity to be His servant in helping her see
Him in her life and not loose her faith.
I loved reading the talk on Atonement dad! thanks for sending it! (reading part for part each morning in my person study haha)
well this week was great.
to everyone, trying to get the map of the area in my head...its some 22
colonials (towns-neighborhoods) and we walk it all..oh yeah :)
had 234 contacts and 18 new investigatores for the week. With meeting
and finding lots of new people we hope to find the elect :)
i got my "three month left call"! ahhhhh! haha i was washing my clothes
out back. the secretary of the mission called and asked me to read two
scriptures: D&C 88:84 and Moroni 9:6. she then commented lots of
stuff about me and the time ive had being a Representative of Jesus
Christ and my diligence. and then she asked me what airport is closest
to my house...hahaha WOW. yeah. they are buying the ticket. I told them
Dulles. Normally the sisters cry when they get this call..haha i didnt. i
think the secretary was haha. I know what things are to come, but i
stil have so much precious time to get lost in the work.
love you all!
love your nieghbor ;)
be good.
be true.
be Christian.
be Mormon.
Hermana JOHnson
blurry, but they are baby puupies!! im allowed to hold them :)))
walk to church (and in the distant a cute recent convert family riding
their bikes to church :) --when people ride bikes with more than 1
person, or as a family, it means there is someone sitting on the handle
bars and someone sitting on a piece of wood or something behind the
its been a year since sitting on a swing..it was lovely :) (at the house of a member who made us lunch :)
were walking in the street basically from one end of our area to the
other..which is a longgg distance, and saying how hungry we were haha.
well god answers the littlest of prayers. there was a cute older couple
outside of a tienda (market shop) who were smiling and pointing at us,
so we thought..lets go contact them haha they happened to be members of
the church from another ward and gave us each a box of little desert
treats that they make and sell!!! haha i told my companion that it was
God saying, "I answered your prayer, you got what you need, now get to
work." hahaha
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